Saturday, May 7, 2011

Photo Shoot

We spent three and a half hours today with Joseph Gonzalez-Dufresne Design and Photography. He came to our home this morning and took some shots here. I've always had the kids' pictures taken at Target or done them myself. When Eli was still an infant we had our family pictures done. We do not have a single picture with all of us in it. It was time. After the shots here, we drove to Castle Hill Farm. The farm dates back at least 130 years and was owned by the Whitin family. It was turned into a dairy farm, importing cows from the Netherlands, therefore bringing a Dutch population to the area. It is now owned by the Garelick family and under consideration for development. You can read more about it here.
We then went to Purgatory Chasm. I wanted to get some shots there because it's a place we frequent. The kids love climbing. The kids fell a bit and got some scrapes and bumps, but all was good. Their attention was quickly dissipating and they were obviously hungry. So, off we went to West End Creamery for ice cream. The kids love rolling down the hill, playing mini-golf and visiting the animals. They only love those things for about 15 seconds, though.
It started to rain, so we had to stop. We came back home and did some more shots, but the kids were tired and hungry and cranky and just done.
Joe has a great eye for interesting backgrounds and all that makes a good shot. The day was a perfect overcast for some really excellent shots. As soon as I get the pictures from him, I'll post a few.

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